emotional wellness word art- red face- blue face PHLC logo

Emotional Wellness

Wellness can be defined as the state of being in good health, especially as an actively pursued goal. Let the goal of emotional wellness be one or all of the following. Keeping a positive attitude. Being sensitive to your feelings and the feelings of other. Learning to cope with stress in a positive way. Being…

self care scrabble letters, training a champion logo

Self Care

Take a moment today to listen to your body! Do something special for yourself! Play Exercise Eat Well Forgive Tell others what they mean to you Celebrate your successes Choose a good attitude   What does it feel like to make time for yourself? Practice mindful self care!

2 ripe red strawberries, Mindful Eating, PHLC LOGO

Mindful Eating

Try this exercise Choose a piece of food- touch it, hold it…What is the texture? Look at the food…What color is is? How many colors do you see? Smell the food.. What is the aroma? How does it make you feel? Happy? Joyful? Curious? Taste the food…Place the food in your mouth. What response are…