Try this exercise
- Choose a piece of food- touch it, hold it…What is the texture?
- Look at the food…What color is is? How many colors do you see?
- Smell the food.. What is the aroma? How does it make you feel? Happy? Joyful? Curious?
- Taste the food…Place the food in your mouth. What response are you having?
- Bite the food…Not a full mouth full, just a bite. Feel that texture on your tongue?
- Chew the food…Is there a new texture as you chew?
- Swallow the food…take time to notice the process of the food entering your throat. Is there a sensation as it goes to your stomach?
- Say the name of the food…vocalize what you just ate and be grateful!
- Practice this once in a while- Many times we just grab food, chew and swallow.
Train your brain to enjoy the food you put in your body. Make good, healthy choices! Play Hard, Live Clean!
Training a Champion.