Everyone reacts differently to stressful situations.
Difficulty sleeping? Fear? Worry? Sadness?
There are so many things that you can do to support yourself.
1.Get plenty of sleep- Have good “sleep hygiene”
-Get on a schedule…go to bed and get up at the same time EVERY morning
-Remove electronic devices from your bedroom including phones, computers and TV’s
-keep your room dark and quiet
-take care of your body and eat well
-choose healthy drinks…DRINK MORE WATER!
-GET SOME EXERCISE- exercising throughout your day can help you fall asleep easily at night.
2.ย Connect with others- share your feelings and thoughts with those you trust.
3. Do the things that bring you joy, things you love, activities that make you feel good.
4. TAKE A BREAK from watching TV and social media.
5. Think positive, think of cute kittens or focus on things that make you laugh…challenge yourself to laugh often…be genuine and choose a lifestyle you are proud of !