Hayden Heslop and JD Nesselrodt each won a $25 Amazon gift card for doing the March Heads Up About Meth challenge. Thanks, guys..and thanks to the other 150+ of you who also participated! Meth (also known as Crank, Crystal, Glass, or Ice) is a serious issue. Using meth is like a slow fade into a dark world. It is super addictive, can cause intense itching, paranoia, hallucinations, insomnia, violent behavior, and severe dental problems. It speeds up all the processes of the body. For example, it can cause the body to heat up so much that it can lead to seizures. Overdosing on meth is also possible. Although Narcan doesn’t work to reverse a meth overdose, if it happens to be laced with Fentanyl, the Narcan could help and is worth trying. No matter what, get medical help immediately if you suspect a meth overdose. If you or someone you love is using meth, there is help available. Call the Garrett County Substance Abuse Disorder Program at 301-334-7670 for confidential and professional help.
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