I believe marijuana should only be used when prescribed by a doctor. My reason for this is I’ve seen people close to me use marijuana for non-medical purposes. They lost their drive it seemed for anything else, and lost their drive to make more of themselves. Saying marijuana is not harmful is almost illogical because anything you put in your body that changes or alters your mind is considered a drug. Changing your mindset by using this drug, you will be more likely to do harder drugs than someone who has never tried marijuana. Why? THC causes increased dopamine release, which would yes make for temporary pleasure, but long term it only means your brain’s normal level of dopamine that gets released will decrease, thus you will need to do more to get pleasure out of every day activities that usually one would be interested in. This could lead to someone who builds tolerance for marijuana, and has to do harder drugs to feel the effect they once did before. I believe that legalizing anything that has this potential should not be considered. The people who really need it will get it prescribed. It is not something that should be freely available for people.
Written by an SHS Junior