Take the Pledge
It is that time again to pledge.ย Visit www.playhardliveclean.com and take the pledge. Update your profile and stay connected!
Sponsored by the Garrett County Health Department Health Education & Outreach Unit.
It is that time again to pledge.ย Visit www.playhardliveclean.com and take the pledge. Update your profile and stay connected!
Does this cold weather having you feeling sad or feeling shut in? Sunshine and nice weather can be a real motivation to help you get up, get out and keep moving.ย Don’t be discouraged by the cold weather! Try your best to get outside when you can.ย Do your best to get some sort of…
Put extra focus on staying healthy, especially as we head into peak flu season! *Talk to your parents/guardians about getting a flu shot *Stay home if your not feeling well and if you do go out, practice social distancing and always wear your mask *Wash your hands often or use an alcohol based sanitizer *Sneeze…
Clean living consists of a lifestyle with no drugs, alcohol, marijuana, nicotine from tobacco products or vaping devices.ย The abuse of prescription drugs is when a person takes any form of medication for a reason other than why the doctor prescribed it. Clean living helps your brain and body grow and develop! Choosing healthy activities…
According to the CDCย “Lifestyle activity refers to any physical activity you do as part of your normal daily routine. For example, walking up stairs at home or at work is a regular part of your day, but still can help you to burn extra calories.” So what are the activities in your day that…
Do you struggle to get enough vegetables in a day? Most students your age are not getting enough veggies! Omelets for breakfast are a great way to enjoy veggies in the morning! Try adding mushrooms, peppers, spinach, shredded carrots or onion. Make eating a variety of vegetables something that you do every day at every…